This is a tribute to my grandfather who produced all kinds of buzzy infusions. Whilst most turned into un-drinkable vinegars this sloe gin was nothing short of legendary!

My grandfather’s method involved pricking each sloe five times so the sugars could penetrate the berry. We have tried and tested the old way and discovered the same result can be achieved by simply freezing the fruits.

Foraged from the hedgerows just outside our front door, this just has to be the easiest seasonal tipple to produce.  The only drawback is the six week wait. A real adult treat likely to warm the cockles of your heart after a long cold day.



  • 500g sloes
  • 375g Caster sugar
  • 700ml Dry gin



After picking your sloes (watch out for the thorns!), remove all stalks and leaves. Wash, pat dry and transfer into your freezer for a minimum of 24 hours (you can skip this stage if sloes are foraged after the first frosts).
Place your sloes, sugar and gin directly into a sterilized 2lt kilner jar (10 minutes in the oven preheated to 140°C will do the trick)

Secure the lid and shake well until sugar has dissolved.
Shake every day for one week and then once a week for six weeks

Strain through a muslin cloth and transfer the liquor into sterilized bottles.



My sister uses the left over sloes for a secondary infusion using medium sherry. Just add 700ml of fortified wine, shake well and leave until Christmas.